Grow Your Business (Part 3) by Robert Finkelstein

Grow Your BusinessWe’re exploring options for growing your already very successful business. Thus far, we’ve tackled two distinct possibilities – Adding another location and franchising. Both are great options, but you need to make that determination. Now on to one of my favorites – Licensing.

Superman lunchboxIf you have a product, whether it be branded or service, this might be the way to go. And what’s particularly nice about this route, is that it tends to be less costly than our previous two methods of expansion, and yet very effective. Unlike other ways of growing your business, you can receive money and royalties upfront, with much less risk than would be associated with launching your own company, manufacturing and selling your products.

Idea protectionIf this sounds appealing, start doing your research. You’ll be looking for companies that provide similar services or products as you do or are considering doing. Before you get overly ambitious and start calling all your hot leads, take it from one who had an idea stolen from him (turned into a motion picture), talk to an attorney who specializes in intellectual property rights, trademark and patents. You’ll want to make sure you’re fully protected.

What makes sense for you and your business? Lots more ideas to come.

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