Archive for July 21, 2009

The Business Laws of Attraction (Part 6)

Posted in "Business Laws of Attraction" by Robert Finkelstein, General Management with tags , , , , , on July 21, 2009 by Robert Finkelstein

magnet moneyYour arsenal is now almost full of marketing options, some free, some aren’t. Lucky for you, I have a few more ideas that will insure you’re locked and loaded.

If you’re an expert, great. If not, become one. When you do, use all forms of media to get the word out. tv_advertisingWe’ve talked about the web, but you can also utilize printed articles, newspapers, radio and television. Local stations are always looking for success stories. Just be careful not to advertise too blatantly. Let them do that for you…and they will. Offer the readership or viewers a special promotion. They’ll eat it up.

customer serviceAnd to reitterate, good ol’ fashioned customer service trumps them all. Be courteous and go that extra mile. Provide unmatched satisfaction guarantees. If you get your customers speaking positively about you, you can take that word-of-mouth marketing right to the bank.

I hope some of these basic ideas kick started some action on your part. It goes without saying, but I’ll say it anyway…I wish you a lifetime of prosperity.

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please write them below or email me at