Archive for July 27, 2009

Motivating Your Team (Part 5)

Posted in General Management, Motivating Your Team with tags , , , , , , on July 27, 2009 by Robert Finkelstein

motivationConsequences or no consequences, that is the question? The answer is a resounding “yes.” A fearful supervisor might think otherwise, but I can assure you that company is running a muck and morale probably stinks.

It’s equally important that employees know that there are consistent positive and not-so positive consequences for their actions. Without this, your all-star players will look to be traded. They in particular will want to be rewarded for their efforts and, when necessary, those who don’t carry their weight, need to experience reasonable consequences. employee-recognitionAs the CEO of Zappos said yesterday at a conference I was attending, “Be slow to hire, and quick to fire.” When you’ve taken the time to assemble a great team, make sure they’re rewarded. You can kill great morale by allowing unaddressed problems to fester. A supervisor needs to be strong. In order to be successful, he or she needs to make tough decisions to insure the company’s success and the culture maintained.

The team needs to know what is expected of them…and you, as the supervisor, need to know what they expect of you.

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